6/6/24: Robinhood's Next Chapter 🪶🪙🇨🇳

Top News

  1. Robinhood acquires Bitstamp in $200M deal

  2. Coinbase debuts smart wallet aiming for 1B users

  3. Bybit opens registration to Chinese users

Specs’ Breakdown

1. Robinhood acquires Bitstamp in $200M deal

⌐◪-◪ → Robinhood has agreed to buy U.K.-based crypto exchange Bitstamp for $200M, one of the largest crypto exchanges in Europe.

Robinhood users can already trade crypto; this acquisition is about:

  1. Global expansion — Bitstamp has over 50 active licenses and registrations.

  2. Institutional clientele— Bitstamp has several institutional offerings + a core spot exchange.

For context: Robinhood has 13.7M monthly active users and $130B assets in custody.

Robinhood’s aggressive crypto adoption is a testament to their team’s commitment to innovation.

2. Coinbase debuts smart wallet aiming for 1B users

⌐◪-◪ → Coinbase just launched “Smart Wallets” to make crypto easier, here’s a summary of some of the key features:

  • Onboarding: setup with FaceID, Google, Fingerprint, Yubikey

  • Easy Pay: pay with wallet balance OR Coinbase balance

  • Gasless: devs can now sponsor gas for gasless experiences

  • Security: multi-factor authentication and biometrics

It’s cool to see how Coinbase is merging centralized finance and decentralized finance by blurring the lines between custody (on Coinbase) and self-custody (Coinbase wallet).

The two-account setup is reminiscent of a savings account and a checking account — where one is used for day-to-day operations and the other is more of a vault.

3. Bybit opens registration to Chinese users

⌐◪-◪ → Bybit, the third largest offshore exchange, decided to open registration to mainland China users.

For context: Bybit has long prohibited the registration and use of all Chinese users — the management team has been very strict about this.

Not sure what’s happening, but all the major exchanges have reversed course on this: Binance, Bybit, OKX.

Is China about to unban crypto or are these exchanges just practicing the ol’ — fuck around find out — adage?

Let me know what you think in Specs Chat!

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